升本咨询热线 400-0531-282


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1. belt [belt] 

n. 腰带,皮带;地带,地区 

2. anywhere [ˈeniweə] 

ad. 在任何地方 

3. dull [dʌl] 

a. 乏味的;阴沉的;笨的;钝的 

4. corn [kɔ:n] 

n. 谷物,小麦;玉米 

5. supper [ˈsʌpə] 

n. 晚餐 

6. cheap [tʃi:p] 

a. 廉价的;劣质的;低级的 

7. dish [diʃ] 

n. 碟,盘;菜肴,一盘菜 

8. chance [tʃɑ:ns] 

n. 可能性;机会 vi. 碰巧发生 vt. 冒…的险 

9. performance [pəˈfɔ:məns] 

n. 演出;履行;表现,工作性能 

10. count [kaunt] 

vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计算;值得考虑 n. 总数


M: Excuse me.__1__

W: I’m sorry, Have you seen the sign “No Smoking”on the wall?

M: Oh,sorry.Where can I smoke on this floor,please?

W: I’m afraid smoking is not allowed in the whole building.

M: Oh dear! __2__

W: Sure. Help yourself. It’s right over there.

M: Thank you very much.

W: Don’t you know smoking is not good for your health, young man?

M: Yes,I do. I tried many times to give it up, but I failed.__3__

W: Yes, it’s hard to stop! But if you keep your health and well-being in mind, you might succeed.

M: You’re right! Thanks very much. __4__

W: I’m glad to hear that. And if you’re feeling bad now, you can smoke outside the building, in the open air,of course.

M: Oh, no! __5__

W: That’s great! Believe in yourself and I’m sure you can do it.

M: Thanks. It’s so kind of you.

A.When I do without it, I feel very bad.

B.I wonder if I could have a glass of water.

C.Can you give me some suggestions?

D.Would you mind if I smoke here?

E.Smoking costs a lot.

F.Your words give me confidence to quit smoking again.

G.I’ll start from now on!


[答案] D

【精析】由下文“I’m sorry, Have you seen the sign “No Smoking”on the wall?(我很抱歉。你看到墙上的“禁止吸烟”标志了吗?)”可知,空处应是男士询问能否在这里吸烟,所以选项D“Would you mind if I smoke here?(你建议我在这里吸烟吗?)”符合语境。


[答案] B

【精析】由下文“Sure. Help yourself. It’s right over there.(当然。请自便。就在那边。)”可知,空处应是男士询问自己能否做什么事情,所以选项B“I wonder if I could have a glass of water.(我想知道我是否能喝杯水。)”符合语境。


[答案] A

【精析】由空前的“I tried many times to give it up, but I failed.(我曾多次尝试戒烟,但都失败了。)”可知,空处应是男士说明自己戒烟失败的原因,所以选项A“When I do without it, I feel very bad.(当我不吸烟时,我感觉非常糟糕。)”符合语境


[答案] F

【精析】由上文“But if you keep your health and well-being in mind, you might succeed.(但如果你把健康和幸福放在心上,你可能会成功。)”以及空前的“You’re right! Thanks very much.(你说得对!非常感谢。)”可知,空处应是男士说明自己感谢女士的原因,所以选项F“Your words give me confidence to quit smoking again.(你的话给了我再次戒烟的信心。)”符合语境。



[答案] G

【精析】由空前的“Oh, no!(哦!不了)”和下文“That’s great! Believe in yourself and I’m sure you can do it.(这很好!相信自己,我确信你可以做到。)”可知,空处应是男士说明自己要从现在就开始戒烟,所以选项G“I’ll start from now on!(我将从现在开始!)”符合语境。





